The Managerial Programme features the managerial experience acquired at Spiru Haret University, where I have held various management positions, including Rector, for 2010-2014. This experience is added to the involvement, as a founding member of this academic institution and of ‘România de Mâine’ Foundation, into all the endeavors aiming at its establishment and development.
In my position of Rector, the responsibility associated with the office claimed to pursue, protect and strengthen the previous achievements. Similarly, I had to provide, via a realistic, rational, quality-centered management, the growth of the institution in three fundamental areas of activity, namely education, research and relation with the society.
Our mandate is known to have debuted under ominous conditions, derived from both the effects of the Government Resolution in August 2009 and from the climate built around the University, willingly maintained by the opponents of our academic institution. We all had to put ourselves out in order to balance the situation, as the University was on the verge of collapsing due to their denigration. We rallied together and started a difficult process of reorganization, whose results are being unbiasedly assessed.
The managerial policies being recommended are the expression of the deep knowledge of the realities at the University, both positive and negative, and of our will to avoid the deficiencies that are still present, in order to be entitled to aim for a higher position of the institution and, evidently, for a safer future.
1. Vision, values, mission, objectives and strategic option
The institutional development is a process that does not involve receding from the past and achieving a fresh start. It is firstly an assumption, evaluation and development of everything that was more valuable in the immediate or farther past. This is the reason why we still support the previously formulated vision, values, mission and goals of the University, which we bring certain additions triggered by the course of the national and international events in the recent years. To this purpose, we believe that the managerial actions are destined to improve the education and research processes, to increase the quality of the entire activity of the institution, to advance the internationalization process and to boost the visibility and the image of Spiru Haret University in the country and abroad.
Compliant with the European and Romanian scientific and cultural tradition, Spiru Haret University further assumes its vocation of academic institution, education and research, thus embodying the essential values of the human dignity, freedom of thinking and action, individual responsibility and academic integrity.
The vision of the University targets the assimilation, development and conveyance of the human knowledge, mainly scientific, to the present and future generations.
The University aims to the full and harmonious expansion of a system of values, able to contribute to the personal fulfillment, the development of the entrepreneurial spirit, the participation in the active life of the community and society, to being successful on the labor market.
Spiru Haret University thenceforth assumes the mission of education and research.
As an institution of academic education, the University general mission is to generate and convey knowledge to the society, plus a string of elements in the higher education tradition (participation in the public debate of ideas; generation of a social and cultural movement at the national level; its change into a cultural and science hub) that reflect the own mission of the University.
The essential objectives of the institutional development process of Spiru Haret University consist in:
The strategic option, represented by the orientation towards the future and centered on the student, will be present when the following criteria have been prioritized:
2. Promoting a new quality in education
The education process is a priority area of the University management. The dynamics of the changes in the country and abroad, exclusively reflected in this sector, requires a rethinking of the entire educational path and its adjustment to the requirements of the new course in the society development. To this end, our actions will aim at:
3. Interdisciplinarity and innovation in research
The research orientations and instructions need to comply with the challenges and requirements in the knowledge society, from an interdisciplinary and innovative perspective.
Our choices for this field are as follows:
4. Empowering the relations of international cooperation
The achievements in this area need to be consolidated and developed, along with initiating new partnerships, opening towards the international contexts, mainly academic, scientific and cultural.
To reach this strategic objective, the steps to be taken are as below:
5. Competence and performance in human resources
To us, human resources is the determinant of institutional development, having in view the current demands, standards and performance criteria.
To attain such an objective, we aim at fostering the following endeavours:
6. Competitive infrastructure and financial balance
The University has a modern and competitive academic infrastructure ensuring the proper operation of the teaching / learning and research processes. Even under the current restrictive conditions, we aim at further providing the material resources, through an efficient managerial strategy, in order to accomplish the University’s mission and objectives through proper funding. To this end, we encourage the following endeavours:
The provisions of this Managerial Plan are in line with the 2014 – 2018 strategic objectives of the University and will be permanently adapted to the demands of the teaching / learning and research processes, according to the domestic and international regulations in the field and to the changes in education, research and in the relation with the society.
The planned strategic actions will contribute to the active involvement of Spiru Haret University in the social, economic and cultural life and will turn the University into an educational, scientific and cultural authority in the spirit of the domestic and European values.
Associate Professor AURELIAN A. BONDREA, PhD