

  • Spiru Haret University has joined COARA

    Spiru Haret University, through the Central Research Institute, joined CoARA - Coalition for the Advancement of Research Evaluation.
    CoARA is a support platform for research funding organisations, research organisations, national/regional evaluation authorities and agencies, scientific societies and other relevant organisations, with the aim of contributing to the development of new evaluation methods and practices in research.

    More details...

Spiru Haret University (USH) is the biggest private university in Romania. It was set up and accredited as a higher education institution by the National Education Act 443/2002.

USH Bucharest is part of the Romania de Maine Foundation - founded on the 19th of January 1991 by Professor Aurelian Gh. Bondrea within a social and political context open to the democratic changes in Romania.

The name assigned to the university is intrinsically linked to Spiru Haret personality. Founder of the national modern education, Spiru Haret is the promoter of a large social and cultural movement with national echoes.

Due to the endeavors and dedication of the academic and administrative staff, as well as of its students, USH objective has been closely linked to become a top university of education and research in Europe. ARACIS (the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), has institutionally accredited USH academic programs of studies both at undergraduate and master level. This determines us, as management and community, to follow the Romanian traditions of good education and share the high prestige that Romanian school knew along the years.


We are definitely committed to excellence in work and education for Life!


An accredited higher education institution, a legal person of private law and public utility, part of the national education system
Main office: 13 Ion Ghica Str., District 3, Bucharest
Zip code: 030045
Tel: (004021) 455.1000; 314.00.75; 314.00.76
Fax: (004021) 314.39.08

USH - current projects