General Inspectorate for Immigration offers you the opportunity to submit on-lin, 24/7, for extension of the temporary stay right for studies by accessing the website
Posted:13:27, 26-09-2016
Posted:09:22, 16-12-2013
Posted:11:57, 26-11-2013
Posted:00:18, 05-11-2013
Posted:16:38, 23-10-2013
IZI Ltd (trading as Easy Job Bridge) was founded in 2003 and is working as intermediate company for students’ work placements under Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci programmes.
All work placements are carefully selected according students’ qualifications. One of our staff accompanies student on his first day at work and introduces him to the company and the mentor to ensure the successful beginning of a work experience. An informal job interview is carried out at the same day. This way students gain practice in presenting themselves to a new employer. We keep a regular contact with a mentor and a student.
The internships are unpaid. Students will be given a letter of recommendation from the company and an internship’s certificate at the end of their stay.
There is no administration fee for Erasmus students if they choose to stay at our self-catering apartments. Our accommodation costs 80Eur/week on shared basis, 100Eur/week for a single room. 100 Eur deposit is collected on their arrival. Airport transfers (both ways) costs 40Eur/person. Discounts are given for the groups.
Students have an option to find an apartment on their own. In this case, they are charged 250 Eur administration fee for finding a suitable work placement, administration work and accompanying person for the first day at the host company. Students are requested to pay for our services in full 2 weeks prior their arrival to Malta.
To start our collaboration is very easy – you (or the student directly) only needs to send his/hers CV and motivation letter, approximate dates of the placement and if our accommodation is required. After we prepare the acceptance letter and start working on the placement.
Please also see our brochure attached to this email. We would appreciate if you could share this information with your students (for instance, by uploading it on your website).
Let me also remind you that Malta is English speaking country, it is known for its warm and sunny climate and it is one of the safest countries in Europe. Nevertheless, we are in charge of students during their entire stay in Malta and they can always contact us in case of a problem.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the possibilities of our possible future cooperation.
Afis PosterPosted:10:34, 05-10-2013
Posted:11:32, 17-04-2013
Posted:09:54, 09-04-2013
Posted:09:23, 12-03-2013
Posted:12:33, 15-02-2013
Posted:11:24, 11-02-2013
Posted:13:02, 05-02-2013
Posted:13:02, 05-02-2013
Posted:12:58, 05-02-2013
Posted:20:33, 28-01-2013
Posted:09:03, 22-01-2013
Posted:12:13, 11-01-2013
Posted:21:07, 20-12-2012
Posted:11:25, 19-12-2012
1. În zilele de 27, 28.12.2012 şi 03, 04.01.2013 plata taxelor de studiu poate fi făcută la casieria Universităţii SPIRU HARET din str. IonGhica nr. 13 (sediul central) şi la casieriile centrelor universitare din teritoriu (Braşov, Constanţa, Câmpulung Muscel, Craiova şi Râmnicu Vâlcea) între orele 09.00-14.00.
2. În perioada 24.12.2012-07.01.2013, secretariatele Universităţii SPIRU HARET şi serviciul eliberări diplome nu lucrează cu publicul.
Posted:10:44, 07-12-2012
The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region- SUERD (EUSDR)
Research/ design and professional training opportunities
Gheorghe Ionaşcu, Associate Professor, Phd, Architect
Posted:09:42, 27-11-2012
The German Academic Exchange
Service offers over 100 individual grants for students, graduates, PhD
candidates and researchers for the academic year 2013/ 2014.
Language courses and master programmes are financed,
as well as research internships during PhD programmes. The special focus is on
the fact that applications in English are available for several programmes.
You can
find a full description of the grant offer for academic year 2013/ 2014 here:
Click here for details regarding a brief description of the most important grant programmes
Posted:09:16, 16-10-2012