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Spiru Haret University
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Phone : (004021) 455.1000; 314.00.75; 314.00.76

Funded Projects

Funded program: Wallachia eHUB

Project name: Wallachia eHUB (WEH)

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

Wallachia eHUB digital innovation hub (WEH) aims to become a consolidated digital innovation center of the one-stop-shop type specialized in provision of digital services and solutions that contribute to the double transition (green and digital) of companies in the private environment, especially SMEs, and public sector organizations by carrying out specialized activities in the South-Muntenia Region (RSM). Thus, WEH's objective is to act as the main access point to digitization in this region and to offer integrated services for SMEs and public entities that enable them to achieve an ecological digital transformation through interoperability and the development of digital skills and solutions . We will use internal and external resources, infrastructure and expertise within EDIH to provide specialized support in the form of digital and interoperability solutions applying advanced technologies such as AI, cyber security, robotics, location technologies (GIS), information modeling about buildings (BIM).

The WeH project will provide a range of high-tech services that focus on logistics engineering, precision agriculture, smart city, dual-use services, urban planning and training programs on the key concepts of digitization, etc.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Specific objective 1 (OS1): Supporting regional digitization needs and contributing to the creation and
    consolidation of a network of EDIHs at European level.
  • Specific objective 2 (OS2): Coordination and stimulation of the digital transformation process through
    integrated innovative services and solutions, having a multiplier effect in the South-Muntenia Region.
  • Specific objective 3 (OS3): Strengthening the capacity of WeH as a digitization service provider.

URL: weh.spiruharet.ro

Funded program:

European Commission (European Research Executive Agency (REA))

Project name: Transdisciplinary approaches for systemic economic, ecological and climate change transitions

Acronym: Agroecology-TRANSECT

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

Agroecology-TRANSECT aims to contribute to unlocking the full potential of agroecology for European agriculture by strengthening the knowledge base for farmers and advisors and supporting decision makers, and by developing robust evidence of the positive effects of agroecology on climate change mitigation, biodiversity and socio-economic resilience of farms.

Agroecology-TRANSECT will provide actors with knowledge of key drivers and innovations, as well as barriers to effective adoption at farm and territory level, contributing to a reliable knowledge base for EU policy making and implementation.

The specific objectives of the project:

*Conceptualization of agroecology in the European context:

  1. To review the definitions of agroecology in relation to other sustainability concepts and to quantify, through benchmarking of indicator frameworks and meta-analysis, the clear benefits and trade-offs of implementing agroecological practice at the farm and territorial level, for climate change mitigation, biodiversity and socio-economic resilience;
  2. To characterize exposure framing agroecological social movements in Europe and expand current knowledge on how different EU narratives, initiatives and policies affect agroecological practices, building on an existing CAP Fitness-Check assessment.

    *Co-design of agroecology:
  3. By creating a well-established network of agroecological IHs in order to share and capitalize on past, current and future agroecological experiences to identify key factors and barriers to agroecology development and increase awareness and knowledge exchanges between actors;
  4. Adaptation, expansion and application in the socio-ecological system of the IH of methods for monitoring and evaluating the technical, economic, ecological and social impact of agroecology at the farm and landscape level and identifying the optimal combinations of practices in accordance with the needs of the actors, for contribute to mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity and improving resilience.

*Unlocking the potential of agroecology by scaling agroecology:

  1. At the EU level, identifying hot and cold spots for the development of agroecology by correlating the biophysical aspects and socio-economic characteristics of successful European agroecological networks with local characteristics, based on publicly available spatial data. At the farm level, investigating the role of social norms and framings of agroecology that prevent its widespread adoption.
  2. To identify opportunities, barriers and alternatives regarding how European policies can stimulate the expansion of agroecological solutions; more specifically to identify, develop and implement tools to address barriers to scaling up agroecology, including data gaps and monitoring efforts, including by streamlining indicator selection and other approaches in the areas of climate change, biodiversity and farm resilience.

*Accelerating the transition to agroecology by promoting the exchange of knowledge between stakeholders at national and European level:

  1. By promoting masterclasses (demonstration days on the farm) and direct exchanges at national events and by disseminating project results through social networks, interacting with stakeholders across the EU (including farms, organizations and industry) and in science-policy interactions to improve communication, share best practices, and build recommendations and roadmaps for decision makers;
  2. By providing a toolkit that synthesizes evidence and disseminates it in a series of four interactive virtual roadshows focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation, climate-neutral agriculture, biodiversity and farm resilience, in collaboration with other programs funded by HEU.

URL: www.agroecology-transect.net

Funded programme: European Commission (European Research Executive Agency (REA))

Project name: Transformation scenarios for boosting organic farming & organic aquaculture towards the farm-to-fork targets

Acronym: OrganicTargets4EU

The general objective of the project:

Support the achievement of organic F2F objectives. Based on the assessment of key factors and bottlenecks affecting the development of the ecological sector, the project will establish a multi-stakeholder process to create a range of possible scenarios for achieving the objectives.

Component 1 - Production and Markets (P&M): The project will analyze where the increase in organic farmland can be increased, the (socio-economic) impact of these increases on primary production, value chains and markets, as well as on the related F2F objectives of reducing the use of fertilizers, pesticides and antibiotics. The project will also provide evidence on the mechanisms that can drive demand for organic food and the impact of changing diets and reducing food waste by mitigating reduced returns from organic production.

Component 2 - Knowledge and Innovation (K&I): The project will work towards an innovation ecosystem suitable for achieving organic F2F objectives, recognizing that the scale of scale-up envisaged will require a transformational approach to knowledge and innovation systems for agriculture and aquaculture. Gaps will be identified of knowledge and opportunities to strengthen consulting services. It will build capacity and stimulate the exchange of scientific and practice-oriented knowledge.

OrganicTargets4EU will facilitate a multi-stakeholder policy dialogue to assess the feasibility of organic F2F targets and develop policy recommendations for the CAP (Common Agricultural Policies), EU organic regulation, EU and national green action plans; Horizon Europe and horizontal legislation on inputs, public procurement, etc., covering the entire spectrum of project themes. The policy recommendations will cover short-term options within existing policies (up to 2027), opportunities for policy development in the next policy reform in 2028 and a horizon scan for development beyond 2030, for the whole of the next Multiannual Financial Framework to 2034.

URL: organictargets.eu

Funded programme: Erasmus+

Project name: Guidelines for facilitating the learning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by School Students of Grades 7-12


The main objectives of the project:

Support school 'learning facilitators' in understanding the use of AI in everyday life.

  • Supporting school 'learning facilitators' in understanding the use of AI in everyday life
  • Prepares school teachers to develop skills to become good facilitators of AI learning for their students, considering applications, strengths and weaknesses, in line with the Digital Competence Framework 2.0 and the Digital Education Framework
  • Contributes to improving digital skills and competences for digital transformation, which requires basic digital skills and competences from an early age, such as a good knowledge and understanding of data-intensive technologies such as AI
  • Supports faculty and students in developing problem-solving, computational thinking, and design skills involving AI tools and methods.

Horizontal & Sectoral Priorities

  • Addressing digital transformation by developing digital readiness, resilience and capability
  • Supporting teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions
  • Promoting interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and the STEAM approach

URL: facilitate-ai.eu

Funded program: ProAcces

Project name: ProAccess

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of preschoolers and students from Giurgiu County to a society based on an innovative and quality educational system by offering educational and psycho-social support services to children, to parents / guardians / persons entrusted with parental education and social counseling services and through integrated socio-community development, in a period of 36 months. The proposed general objective contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objectives of the program and the call for projects (OS 6.2 and OS 6.3), creating tangible premises: to increase participation in pre-school / preschool education and to reduce early school leaving by students, both emphasizing children belonging to the Roma minority and/or from rural areas, thus generating long-term positive effects based on the material and educational offer made available through the resources allocated to the project.

The specific objectives of the project:

  • The specific objective 1 (OS1) of the Project is the provision of mathematical/computer educational support services for a minimum number of 270 preschoolers and students, from Giurgiu County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 44 from the rural environment.
  • The specific objective 2 (OS2) of the Project is the development of emotional skills / social counseling / emotional / psychological support / vocational counseling for a minimum of 270 preschoolers and students from Giurgiu County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 44 from the countryside.
  • Specific objective 3 (OS3) of the Project is the development of at least 1 partnership network in Giurgiu County between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and the community in order to ensure sustainability from an institutional perspective.
  • The specific objective 4 (OS4) of the Project is the provision of parental education / social counseling services for at least 200 representatives of children from the target group (parents/guardians/persons who take care of children whose parents are away working abroad), from Giurgiu county, in order to develop parental skills or, as the case may be, to solve various problems of a social nature.

URL: proacces.snsh.ro

Funded program: FormAccess

Project name: FormAccess

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of preschoolers and students from Botoşani County, to a society based on an innovative and quality educational system by offering: to children educational and psycho-social support services, to parents / guardians / persons entrusted with parental education and social counseling services and through integrated socio-community development, in a period of 36 months. The proposed general objective contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objectives of the program and the call for projects (OS 6.2 and OS 6.3), creating tangible premises: to increase participation in pre-school / preschool education and to reduce early school leaving by students, both emphasizing children belonging to the Roma minority and/or from rural areas, thus generating long-term positive effects based on the material and educational offer made available through the resources allocated to the project.

The specific objectives of the project:

  • The specific objective 1 (OS1) of the Project is the provision of mathematical/computer educational support services for a minimum number of 270 preschoolers and students, from Botoşani County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 45 from the rural environment.
  • Specific objective 2 (OS2) of the Project is the development of emotional skills / social counseling / emotional / psychological support / vocational counseling for a minimum of 270 preschoolers and students from Botoşani County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 45 from rural environment.
  • Specific objective 3 (OS3) of the Project is the development of at least 1 partnership network in Botoşani County between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and the community in order to ensure sustainability from an institutional perspective.
  • The specific objective 4 (OS4) of the Project is the provision of parental education / social counseling services for at least 200 representatives of children from the target group (parents/guardians/persons who take care of children whose parents are away working abroad), from Botoşani county, to develop parental skills or, as the case may be, to solve various problems of a social nature.

URL: formacces.snsh.ro

Funded program: EduAccess

Project name: EduAccess

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of preschoolers and students from Sibiu County to a society based on an innovative and quality educational system by offering to children educational and psycho-social support services, to parents / guardians / delegated persons of parental education and social counseling services and through integrated socio-community development, in a period of 31 months. The proposed general objective contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objectives of the program and the call for projects (OS 6.2 and OS 6.3), creating tangible premises: to increase participation in pre-school / preschool education and to reduce early school leaving by students, both emphasizing children belonging to the Roma minority and/or from rural areas, thus generating long-term positive effects based on the material and educational offer made available through the resources allocated to the project.

The specific objectives of the project:

  • The specific objective 1 (OS1) of the Project is the provision of mathematical/informatics educational support services for a minimum of 270 preschoolers and students from Sibiu County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 43 from the rural environment.
  • Specific objective 2 (OS2) of the Project is the development of emotional skills / social counseling / emotional / psychological support / vocational counseling for a minimum of 270 preschoolers and students from Sibiu County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 43 from rural environment.
  • Specific objective 3 (OS3) of the Project is the development of at least 1 partnership network in Sibiu County between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and the community to ensure sustainability from an institutional perspective.
  • The specific objective 4 (OS4) of the Project is the provision of parental education / social counseling services for at least 200 representatives of children from the target group (parents/guardians/persons who take care of children whose parents are away working abroad), from Sibiu County, in order to develop parental skills or, as the case may be, to solve various problems of a social nature.

URL: eduacces.snsh.ro

Funded program: DidactAcces

Project name: DidactAccess

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of preschoolers and students from Brăila county, to a society based on an innovative and quality educational system by offering: to children educational and psycho-social support services, to parents / guardians / persons entrusted with parental education and social counseling services and through integrated socio-community development, in a period of 36 months. The proposed general objective contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objectives of the program and the call for projects (OS 6.2 and OS 6.3), creating tangible premises: to increase participation in pre-school / preschool education and to reduce early school leaving by students, both emphasizing children belonging to the Roma minority and/or from rural areas, thus generating long-term positive effects based on the material and educational offer made available through the resources allocated to the project

The specific objectives of the project:

  • The specific objective 1 (OS1) of the Project is the provision of mathematical/computer educational support services for a minimum number of 270 preschoolers and students, from Brăila County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 44 from the rural environment.
  • The specific objective 2 (OS2) of the Project is the development of emotional skills / social counseling / emotional / psychological support / vocational counseling for a minimum number of 270 preschoolers and students, from Brăila County, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 44 from rural environment.
  • Specific objective 3 (OS3) of the Project is the development of at least 1 partnership network in Brăila county between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and the community in order to ensure sustainability from an institutional perspective.
  • The specific objective 4 (OS4) of the Project is the provision of parental education / social counseling services for at least 200 representatives of children from the target group (parents/guardians/persons who take care of children whose parents are away working abroad), from Brăila county, in order to develop parental skills or, as the case may be, to solve various problems of a social nature.

URL: didactacces.snsh.ro

Funded program: InfoAcces

Project name: InfoAccess

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of preschoolers and students from Vaslui county, to a society based on an innovative and quality educational system by offering: to children educational and psycho-social support services, to parents / guardians / persons entrusted with parental education and social counseling services and through integrated socio-community development, in a period of 33 months. The proposed general objective contributes directly to the achievement of the specific objectives of the program and the call for projects (OS 6.2 and OS 6.3), creating tangible premises: to increase participation in pre-school / preschool education and to reduce early school leaving by students, both emphasizing children belonging to the Roma minority and/or from rural areas, thus generating long-term positive effects based on the material and educational offer made available through the resources allocated to the project.

The specific objectives of the project:

  • The specific objective 1 (OS1) of the Project is the provision of mathematical/computer educational support services for a minimum number of 270 preschoolers and students, from Vaslui county, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 43 from the rural environment.
  • The specific objective 2 (OS2) of the Project is the development of emotional skills / social counseling / emotional / psychological support / vocational counseling for a minimum of 270 preschoolers and students, from Vaslui county, of which at least 28 belong to the Roma minority and at least 43 from rural environment.
  • Specific objective 3 (OS3) of the Project is the development of at least 1 partnership network in Vaslui County between schools, local authorities, local institutions, NGOs and the community to ensure sustainability from an institutional perspective.
  • The specific objective 4 (OS4) of the Project is the provision of parental education / social counseling services for at least 200 representatives of children from the target group (parents/guardians/persons who take care of children whose parents are away working abroad), from Vaslui county, to develop parental skills or, as the case may be, to solve various social problems

URL: infoacces.snsh.ro

Project name: High performing employees, competitive enterprises!




General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the project is to strengthen the professional capacity by acquiring digital skills, including advanced ones, for a number of 500 employees (of which 50 people, at least 10% elderly employees 55-64 years old, 200 people - at least 40% women) from SMEs from the less developed regions of Centru, South-Muntenia, North-East, South-East, South-West Oltenia as a result of participation and certification in training programs in the digital field, with the aim of adapting to economic sectors in the field SNC and SNCDI.

The main results through the implementation of project activities are:

  • (R1) 50 enterprises from less developed regions identified and selected, through awareness campaigns, to provide employees who make up the project's target group.
  • (R2) 500 employees from SMEs from less developed regions selected and registered in the target group of the project.
  • (R3) 500 employees benefit from training programs and acquire ICT skills and are directly supported through the implementation of project activities in the context of specific objective 3.12.
  • (R4) 460 employees certified and acquiring skills in economic sectors/intelligence specialization areas related to SNC and SNCDI.
  • (R5) 50 enterprises supplying people employed and directly supported for the organization of workplace learning programs and analysis of digitalization potential.
  • (R6) At least 6 enterprises introducing workplace learning programs as a result of direct support.

URL: apic.spiruharet.ro

Funded program: iNFOLex

Project name: iNFOLex

Start date: 2015-10-01

General objective of the project / Purpose of the project:

The general objective of the Project is to facilitate the access of citizens from the South Muntenia, South East, South West and Center regions to a transparent, integral and quality judicial system, through an information campaign, legal education and awareness of the citizens regarding the rights provided within the new codes, in a period of 24 months. This is achieved through the specific objectives presented below. Both the general objective and the specific objectives are in accordance with the provisions and respectively the Specific Objective of the Applicant's Guide 2.3: Ensuring increased transparency and integrity at the level of the judicial system to improve access and the quality of the services provided at its level, aiming at achieving the objectives of POCA in material.

The specific objectives of the project:

  • carrying out an information campaign, legal education and awareness of citizens, regarding their legislative rights using social networks and the Internet.
  • carrying out an information campaign, legal education and awareness of the citizens, regarding their legislative rights using the classic media (television, radio, print media, etc.).
  • carrying out in the SM, SV, SE, Center regions an information, legal education and awareness campaign for citizens, regarding their legislative rights through the presence in the territory of a team of legal experts who will facilitate citizens and, in particular, students and students access to legislation and justice.
  • An opportunity for Spiru Haret University students
  • Presentation of expected results
  • Presentation of the online information, legal education and awareness campaign
  • Presentation of the information, legal education and awareness media campaign
  • Presentation of the territorial information, legal education and awareness campaign
  • Presentation of horizontal principles


Volatolomics test for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis 


Work, Employment, Legality for Integration and Non-discrimination (MALIN)/

malin.municipiulcodlea.ro       Facebook

Your Firm's PROMOTERS (PROFIT) - for the Center region

The university and the labor market – partnership for success!

Prepare for the labor market

ProForm - PROfessionalization of teaching staff through continuous TRAINING

QualForm- Ensuring the QUALITY of education through continuous professional TRAINING

DidactForm - DIDACTiceFORMate frameworks for quality inclusive education

EduForm - Quality inclusive EDUCATION through continuous professional TRAININ


SMART Entrepreneurs - Responsible, Ambitious, Motivated, Successful Young People

Funded programme: ERASMUS+

Project name: QAREER - Quality Assurance of Career Services in Higher Education

Project manager: Asociate Professor Mihai Andronie

Start date: 2015-10-01, End date: 2017-09-30

Main objectives:

  • Collecting the different points of view of the main actors in the field (guidance professionals and reference persons in higher education institutions, students, employers);
  • Defining quality standards for career services at the level of higher education institutions;
  • Elaboration of guidelines for their integration in higher education institutions
  • To test the guidelines in real settings in the consortium countries;
  • To consult and involve other universities in Europe in the process;
  • To provide the Guide to Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Careers Service (QACS) in Europe.

Consortium member partners:

  • Spiru Haret University (SHU) - Romania
  • Melius - Italy
  • The National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB) - Belgium
  • Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) - Spain
  • Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (WUELS) - Poland
  • University of Padua (UNIPD) – Italy


Funded program: TEMPUS

Project name: ESPAQ - Enhancing the Student Participation in Quality

                                               Assurance in Armenia HE

Project manager: Asociate Professor Mihai Andronie

Start date: 2015-10-01, End date: 2017-09-30

General objective:

The ESPAQ project aims to contribute to the strengthening of processes and the adoption of quality assurance (QA) practices in higher education in Armenia by ensuring the involvement of all stakeholders, especially students - key beneficiaries.

Consortium member partners:

  • University of Macerata (IT) – UNIMC
  • The National Union of Students in Europe (BE) – ESU/ESIB
  • Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (ES) - UNIR
  • Spiru Haret University (RO) – SHU
  • National Union of Students Scotland – NUSS (UK) – SPARQS
  • Armenian State University of Economics (AM) – ASUE
  • Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan (AM) – ASPU
  • Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (AM) – YSAFA
  • State Engineering University of Armenia(Polytechnic) (AM) – SEUA
  • National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (AM) - NUACA
  • Armenian National Student’s Association (AM) – ANSA
  • National Center for Professional Education QA Foundation (AM) – ANQA
  • Ministry of Education and Science (AM) – MoES


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/144/6.3/S/ 126567

Project name: PROFEMIN

Project director: Professor Maria Andronie

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015  

General objective:

 Promoting social inclusion - Promoting equal opportunities on the labor market.

Research objectives:

  • Research study on gender-based segregation from the perspective of women occupying lower positions on the labor market;
  • Research study on gender-based differentiations in the field of professions, careers and incomes on the labor market;
  • Research study on good practices in the field of female entrepreneurship
  • Research study on good practices in the field of equal opportunities and gender

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti
  • Servicios Integrales de Contratacion e Intermediacion Dominus s.l. (SICI Dominus) - Spania
  • Uniunea Naţională pentru Drepturile Femeii din România


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/ 136591

Project name: STEND AP - Enterprising students for an active professional life.

Project manager: Asociate Professor Mihai Andronie

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015 

General objective:

Improving the employability of 360 students from the Bucharest Ilfov region, by providing an integrated package of knowledge and skills to facilitate the transition from school to working life.


Educational objectives:

  • development of counseling and professional orientation materials;
  • face-to-face counseling and professional orientation sessions;
  • conducting two workshops - regarding the knowledge and skills needed at the workplace;
  • organization of 10 simulated enterprises affiliated to ROCT;
  • creation of 5 Business Centers;
  • organizing 5 development sessions on a simulated enterprise;
  • conducting 4 professional development sessions with themes adapted to the specific fields of activity of the simulated enterprises established within the project;
  • organization of a Fair for the presentation of the simulated enterprises established within the project.
    Consortium member partners:
  • Fundația Centrul Român pentru Întreprinderi Mici și Mijlocii CRIMM
  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/161/2.1/G 140947

Project name: "PRO-MARKET" Practice program for the transition from education to the active life of students.

Project manager: Professor Aurelian A. Bondrea

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015 

General objective:

The general objective of the project is to facilitate the transition from school to active life by increasing the relevance of university education for the labor market and streamlining internships for 400 students from the faculties of Accounting, Financial Management, Marketing and International Economic Affairs, Finance and Banks, Sociology .


Educational objectives:

  • Individual and group psychological and career counseling for 400 students;
  • Properly implemented PRO-MARKET internships for 400 students;
  • Study visits and exchange of experience for career development;
  • 400 evaluated internships.
    Consortium member partners:
  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti
  • Asociaţia Poliedra România


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/ 139498

Project name: CLIO - Master's Program in Valorizing Heritage

Project director: Professor Iuliana Ciotoiu

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015 

General objective:

The general objective of the project is the development of an interdisciplinary and innovative master's program at the national level, in the field of Heritage Valorization, to improve the quality of students' training, develop the quality of communication between the academic and private environments, improve the services offered to students and increase access to education and training by promoting virtual networks.


Research objectives - Master's program Heritage valorization through the marketing of cultural projects:

  • Study identifying a minimum of 30 EU universities that organize relevant related programs in Heritage Valorisation;
  • Study identifying the existing needs on the labor market at the regional and national level in the field of Heritage Valorization;
  • Study on the relationship with occupational standards relevant to higher education;
  • Study identifying the relevant actors in the Valorization of Heritage;
  • Analysis study of the insertion on the labor market of graduates from fields related/complementary to Heritage Valorization, Orientation Guide "Heritage Valorization and the EU labor market" developed as a methodological tool for developing the curriculum of the new master's program.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti
  • Asociaţia Poliedra România
  • PROgetto Di Espressione e Sviluppo Territoriale


Program finanțat: POSDRU

Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/ 139490

Project name: "EUROPA2020" - Master's Program in Public Diplomacy.

Project director: Professor Maria Andronie

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015


General objective:

The project has as its general objective the development of an interdisciplinary and innovative master's program in the field of Public Diplomacy, to improve the quality training of human resources, the development of the quality of communication between the academic and the private environment, the improvement of the services offered to students and teachers in order to increase the degree of integration of students on the labor market, developing flexible lifelong learning routes, increasing access to education and training by promoting virtual networks between academia and potential employers of graduates. 

Research objectives:

  • Study aimed at identifying master's programs in similar or close thematic areas from reference universities in the EU by studying the offer of master's studies and disciplines, correlation with the skills identified as needed by employers;
  • Study on the existing needs on the labor market at regional and national level in the field of public diplomacy in terms of necessary skills and competences available on the market;
  • Study aimed at establishing the relationship between the skills offered by the curricula and the relevant optional standards in Romania and the EU;
  • Study aimed at identifying actors active in the field of public diplomacy in Romania and implementing a focus group;
  • Study involving the analysis of the insertion on the labor market of young graduates of fields of study relevant to public diplomacy (international relations, political science, European studies, history, art history, security studies, sociology, journalism-communication);
  • Indicative guide of public diplomacy and the labor market in the EU with proposals for disciplines able to ensure added value to the program compared to the offer available in Romania and the EU.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti
  • Asociaţia Poliedra România
  • PROgetto Di Espressione e Sviluppo Territoriale


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/ 141179

Project name: Adapting the curriculum and the educational package to the demands of the labor market

Project director: Professor Manuela Epure

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015


General objective:

The general objective of the project is to increase the quality of the educational offer in higher education and to correlate it with the ever-changing requirements of the labor market by adapting and improving undergraduate study programs, facilitating access to higher education and expanding the learning opportunities addressed to students with the help of personalized software in the form of virtual pages of a digitized manual used in the teaching-learning process. 

Research objectives:

  • Curriculum development for the undergraduate cycle, by correlating with the demands and demands of the labor market;
  • Development of 7 course materials in classic format for the undergraduate cycle and 7 courses in digital format developed based on revised course materials in classic format;
  • Development of a course support - trainer in the online environment;
  • Carrying out evaluative research regarding the implementation of the curriculum and the use of the developed educational package: evaluative research report regarding the implementation of the curriculum using the support tools provided by the educational package.


Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti
  • S.C.Siveco România S.R.L


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/144/6.3/S/134919

Project name: FAIR - Active women for integrity and responsibility

Project director: Professor Maria Andronie

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015 

General objective:

The FAIR program (Active Women for Integrity and Responsibility) aims to develop modern, innovative and applied mechanisms to ensure the development of the condition of women in the current form of organization of society, through a complex and innovative approach to the issue of equal opportunities.


Research objectives:

  • Research study on the development of optimal individual and personalized professional paths dedicated to women, correlated with their needs according to the labor market development trends;
  • Research study on building a network of mutual support and exchange of experience between members of the target group with the aim of strengthening the principle of equal access to the labor market for women.

Educational objectives:

  • Increasing the level of entrepreneurial knowledge of women to be able to establish and run their own business;
  • Increasing the level of information and awareness of public administration representatives regarding the principle of gender equality;
  • Innovative methods for assisting women from the target group in order to initiate and develop an identified personal business;
  • Providing assistance and consultancy to women in the target group by providing a complex package of personalized services;
  • Organizing and conducting a competition with prizes for successful entrepreneurial initiative.
  • Consortium member partners:
  • Transparency International România
  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/132586

Project name: Practically build your legal profession from college!

Project director: Onorina Botezat

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015


General objective:

Increasing the chances of success of future graduates of legal education in the process of transition from school to the workplace by providing an integrated program of professional counseling and specialized practice. 

Research objectives:

  • Elaboration of Guidance and Professional Counseling Guide in the field of Legal higher education for the use of teaching staff;
  • Elaboration of a Guide to good practices in conducting internships in the field of higher legal education;
  • Elaboration of a statistical study on the real professional path of graduates from the higher legal education;
  • Elaboration of 9 information brochures, of which 1 – General information on building and preparing a career in the legal field and 8 Career Profiles:
  • Counseling and Orientation in the Lawyer profession;
  • Counseling and Orientation in the Magistracy;
  • Counseling and Orientation in the Notary Public profession;
  • Counseling and Orientation in the exercise of the Public Office;
  • Counseling and Orientation in the legal profession within NGOs;
  • Counseling and Orientation in the legal profession within private companies;
  • Counseling and Orientation in the profession of Mediator;
  • Counseling and Guidance in the profession of Bailiff.


Educational objectives:

  • (1) Knowledge of courts and institutions with related activity;
  • (2) Registration and follow-up of the resolution of a file, requests, complaints;
  • (3) Study of files;
  • (4) Collaboration in the drafting of procedural documents;
  • (5) Assisting in the conduct of litigious procedures (judicial or extrajudicial).

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Constanța
  • Baroul Constanţa 


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/ 137940

Project name: Engaged student-trained graduate-successful career

Project director: Iulia Grecu

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015


General objective:

Developing the competences and work skills of economics students in order to successfully integrate into the labor market. By ensuring the necessary conditions for professional counseling and guidance, students' participation in high-quality practice activities within real and simulated companies/institutions, students will gain the experiences necessary for the transition from school to working life.


Research objectives:

  • Elaboration of Good Practice Guide for the simulated company IS SPIRU TIM Distribution S.R.L.
  • Elaboration of a good practice guide for the simulated company IS SPIRU TIM Expert S.R.L.

Educational objectives:

  • Adaptation of students to the specific activities of a real enterprise;
  • Simulation of the economic processes related to the real business environment;
  • Improving business language;
  • Development and improvement of personal (flexibility, willingness to learn, critical spirit, creativity, initiative) and social (ability to interact, resolve conflicts, team spirit, responsibility, leadership) skills of students by participating in the activities of simulated enterprises;
  • Providing concrete knowledge and information about the functioning of the mechanisms of the market economy, the importance of education in achieving a career and the impact of the economy on the future of young people;
  • Encouraging competitive spirit, quality and responsibility by using appropriate communication and negotiation techniques in the current activity of the simulated enterprise;
  • Development of skills, abilities and attitudes necessary for a dynamic entrepreneur.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Constanța;
  • S.C. Excelsior S.R.L;
  • S.C. Com Util S.R.L.

URL: studentimplicat.ro

Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/156/1.2/G/137309

Project name:

Project director: Professor Camelia Firică

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015


General objective:

Increasing the quality of economic higher education by adapting the curriculum to the new challenges in the economy, by promoting the principles of equal opportunities and entrepreneurship, by using complex computer programs in the educational process. 

Research objectives:

  • Guidelines on gender equality, opportunities and non-discrimination;
  • Curriculum development in line with the new challenges in the economy and the labor market - developed university courses:
  • Financial Risk Management;
  • Microeconomics;
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Interactive Decision Support Systems;
  • Computer Systems and Applications in the Economy.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Craiova
  • S.C. Fight for Education S.R.L


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/ 138528

Project name: We build your future professional career together!

Project director: Paula Cornelia Mitran

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015 

General objective:

Increasing the chances of success of future high school graduates in the process of transition from school to higher levels of education or to the workplace by providing an integrated program of professional and practical counseling.


Research objectives:

  • Elaboration of a good practice guide for carrying out practice activities
  • Elaboration of a Guide to good practices for the development of counseling and professional guidance activities.

Educational objectives:

  • The entire activity carried out within the project, as well as the development of the two guides, respectively the Good Practices Guide for carrying out practice activities and the Good Practices Guide for carrying out counseling and professional guidance activities, contributed to the acquisition of general and concrete educational objectives (operational ) within pre-university education, such as: the acquisition of scientific knowledge, the values ​​of national and universal culture;  the formation of intellectual capacities, affective availability and practical skills through the assimilation of humanistic, scientific, technical and aesthetic knowledge; assimilation of intellectual work techniques, necessary for lifelong training and self-training; education in the spirit of respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, dignity and tolerance, free exchange of opinions; cultivating sensitivity towards human issues, towards moral-civic values, respect for nature and the environment;  the harmonious development of the individual;   the professionalization of the young generation for carrying out useful activities, producing material and spiritual goods; the acquisition of educational objectives specific to the types and profiles of schools included in the structure of the learning system; the acquisition of objectives whose defining feature is the fact that they are converted at the level of the students into observable behaviors, giving the teacher the opportunity to ascertain what acquisitions the students have acquired within an instructional sequence or a lesson, which lead to increasing the chances of success of future high school graduates in the process of transition from school to higher levels of education or to the workplace.
  • Through professional counseling and orientation, the beneficiaries were better informed about the professional path, either by continuing their studies or by choosing a job, and thus, they could easily establish a personalized career plan, thus avoiding making wrong decisions , unnecessary waste of time and money preparing for professions that do not suit them;
  • The participants identified the trajectory they will follow after graduation in the educational field and on the labor market.

Consortium member partners


  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Constanta;
  • Colegiul Tehnic "Nicolae Titulescu" - Medgidia.


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/161/2.1/G/ 134465

Project name: The simulated enterprise: A bridge between school and the labor market.

Project director: Claudiu Chiru

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015  

General objective:

Facilitating the transition from school to active life of students and master's students from the applicant's educational institution by using an innovative method of practical training: the simulated enterprise.

Research objectives:

  • Research study on the labor market;
  • The manual of the simulated company.

Educational objectives:

Registered simulated enterprise; Functional simulated enterprise; The manual of the simulated enterprise; Website of the simulated company; Catalog of the simulated company; Functional elearning platform. 360 students beneficiaries of the counseling and professional guidance activity; 360 personal files of students/masters; 1 x interview guide; 1 x job database; 360 personal orientation and professional counseling sheets for students/masters students; 6 labor market analysis reports (1 quarterly report). 210 students/masters trained in IS; 210 practice files; Methodology for selecting works for prizes; 30 award-winning papers prepared by students/masters' students regarding managerial/financial-accounting aspects of IS.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Constanța;
  • Institutul pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane - Constanța.


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/157/1.3/S/ 137440

Project name: Didactino - Innovative training for value and performance in the teaching career.

Project director (USH): Professor Maria Andronia

Start date: 2014, End date: 2015 

General objective:

The DIDACTINO project aims to improve continuous professional training for 2400 pre-university teachers from Mehedinți and Sibiu counties through training and skills development with the aim of improving the management and quality of the educational process.


  • Interactive teaching-learning-assessment methods and ICT tools;
  • Innovative mixed e-learning training system (classic face-to-face and online on P2's e-learning platform);
  • Continuous, modern, quality education, correlated with the constantly changing requirements of the labor market and the education system;
  • Establishment of 6 Professional Development Centers for Educators and Teachers (CDPEI), 3/region.

Research objectives:

  • Vocational training programs authorized by the MEN:
  • Optimizing learning in after school programs;
  • Optimizing professional performance through cognitive behavioral counseling and coaching;
  • Techniques for clarifying values and moral education;
  • Tools and strategies for optimizing the quality of education at the preparatory class level;
  • Writing, managing and implementing projects;
  • Streamlining communication in the school environment;
  • School management adapted to the realities of Romanian society;
  • Education and labor legislation in the European context;
  • Teaching/learning methods using modern technologies.

Consortium member partners:

  • Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Mehedinți;
  • Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Sibiu;
  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Bucuresti.


Funded program: POSDRU

ID: POSDRU/92/3.1/S/63567

Project name: Entrepreneurs in tourism.

Project manager: Professor Galiceanu Mihaela

Start date: 2010, End date: 2013 

General objective:

Its general objective is the formation and development of managerial and entrepreneurial skills of human resources in order to initiate and run a business in tourism.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Craiova;
  • SC Bear Solution SRL.


ID: POSDRU/19/1.3/G/38862

Project name: Development of career opportunities for teaching staff

Project manager: Professor Ghita Emil

Project duration: 24 months

General objective:

The general and specific objectives of the project, the targeted target groups as well as the professional training package offered (trainer, project manager, entrepreneurial skills, communication in English, IT skills) showing that the implementation of the project takes into account the national priorities in the field of education, training professional and lifelong learning.

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Craiova;
  • Colegiul Naţional „Elena Cuza” - Craiova.


ID: POSDRU/90/2.1/S/64176

Project name: Practical students - active and integrated students.

Project manager: Prof. univ. dr. Aurelian A. Bondrea

Start date: 2010, End date: 2013

Consortium member partners:

  • SPIRU HARET University - Bucharest;
  • National Defense University.

Organized events:

  • Good Practice Seminars: 2010-2013
  • Counseling and career guidance meetings


ID: POSDRU/90/2.1/S/54481

Project Name: Get Practically Prepared for a Successful Career

Project director: Lecturer Iulia Pârvu

Start date: 2010, End date: 2012

General objective:

Increasing the relevance of the professional and socio-human training that economics students receive within the Romanian higher education system, in accordance with the current economic-social dynamics and the requirements manifested on the labor market.


Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Constanța;Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Constanța;


ID: POSDRU/92/3.1/S/63567

Project name: Entrepreneurs in tourism

Project manager: Professor Galiceanu Mihaela

Project duration: 24 months

General objective:

Promoting the entrepreneurial culture by training and developing the managerial and entrepreneurial skills of human resources in order to initiate and manage a business in tourism.

  • Beneficiary:

Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Craiova


ID: POSDRU/19/1.3/G/38862

Project name: Development of career opportunities for teaching staff.

Project manager: Professor Ghita Emil

Project duration: 24 months

  • Beneficiary:

Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Craiova


Project name: English language in local public administration - A bridge to the EU.

Project director: Professor HC Posea Grigore

Project duration: 6 months

Non-refundable FSE funding: 293,527.10 ron

Faculty/Department: Scientific Research Management Department


ID: 58571

Project name: Career and business performance for women

Project manager: Professor Stefanescu Laura

Project duration: 24 months

Project objective:

The training of managerial and entrepreneurial skills for women in order to develop their career or to start a business. Holding free courses for people who belong to the target group, in the following fields:

  • Management and negotiation techniques;
  • Computerized accounting for businesses;
  • E-Business- Information technologies for business;
  • English for business;
  • Environmental management;
  • Business law-legislation for SMEs.


Universitatea SPIRU HARET - Craiova


ID: POSDRU/97/6.3/S/64240

Project name: ProFeminAntrep - promotion of equal opportunities in


Project director: Professor Maria Andronia

Project duration: 36 months

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - București;
  • UNDFR - Romania



Project name: European quality in higher education.

Project manager: Professor Aurelian A. Bondrea

Project duration: 36 months

Consortium member partners:

  • Universitatea SPIRU HARET - București;
  • Universitatea Națională de Apărare - București
  • PluriConsultans SRL



Project title: Development and implementation of a monitoring system, continuous improvement and quality assessment in open and distance based higher education performance indicators and international standards of quality

Project director: Professor Gaf-Deac Ioan

Project duration: 36 months

Non-refundable FSE funding: 16,611,870 ron

Faculty/Department: DEIAC

ID: 60720

Organized events:

  • Awareness sessions for students and support staff from universities regarding the quality assurance of higher education organized and conducted through university distance learning programs - Bucharest, Brașov, Brăila, Campulung-Muscel, Galați, Ploiești, Sibiu, Suceava, Targoviște, Targu- Jiu, Timisoara (July - December 2013)

URL: www.odeqa.spiruharet.ro


Project title: Be a manager for your business!

Project manager: Professor Mitran Paula

Project duration: 36 months

Non-refundable FSE funding: 6,996,377.00 RON

Faculty/Department: MFC Constanta


Project title: Practice of economics students in simulated banking environments

Project manager: Professor Chiru Claudiu

Project duration: 18 months

Non-refundable FSE funding: 939,135.00 RON

Faculty/Department: MFC Constanta