More details...
Posted:09:29, 03-10-2017

More details...
Posted:09:28, 03-10-2017

More details..
Posted:09:23, 03-10-2017
Posted:09:13, 03-04-2017
General Inspectorate for Immigration offers you the opportunity to submit on-lin, 24/7, for extension of the temporary stay right for studies by accessing the website http://igi.mai.gov.ro
Posted:13:05, 26-09-2016

Afişul evenimentului Programul de desfăşurare
Posted:12:56, 02-09-2015
Facultatea de Litere, în colaborare cu Centrul de Studii Multiculturale şi Multilingvistice şi Biroul Studenţi Străini al Universităţii Spiru Haret organizează în perioada 4-11 septembrie 2015, a 7-a ediţie a Şcolii de Vară, intitulată “Multiculturalism, multilingvism şi dezvoltare internaţională”. Cu această ocazie se vor susţine cursuri intensive de limba germană sub îndrumarea instructorilor din Austria, vor fi prezentate scurte prelegeri despre cultura şi civilizaţia română, franceză, engleză , spaniolă şi arabă, de către profesori ai Facultăţii de Litere, cu participarea reprezentanţilor Institutului Cervantes şi ai Centrului Cultural European Româno-Pan-Arab CCERPA. Înscrierile se fac până la data de 25 august anul curent. Intrarea este liberă. Programul evenimentului aici….
Posted:12:02, 29-07-2015
Posted:13:20, 18-06-2015
Posted:12:27, 22-10-2014
Meet the students and teachers from the Faculty of Architecture!
You can access: https://www.facebook.com/USHarchitecture
Posted:08:59, 15-10-2014
Posted:20:49, 30-09-2014
Posted:10:36, 26-06-2014
Spiru Haret University Faculty of Sociology-Psychology
Inimă Iubitoare Universală Foundation
Romanian Association for Transpersonal Psychology
Invite you to the international conference:
The Universal Loving Heart and the Divine Knowledge of Enlightenment as Common Essence of all Religion
Monday, June 30th, 2014, hrs: 18.30-21.15
Tuesday, July, 1st, 2014, hrs: 18.30-21.15
Spiru Haret University, 13 Ion Ghica Str.
STUDIO Hall, Ground floor
Special Guest and Speaker:
Master Guru Karma Tanpai Gyaltshen Acharya
Other Speakers:
Writer, Theoretician and Essayist Vasile Andru
Prof. dr. Ion Mânzat, Hyperion University
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Mircea Aurel Niță, SNSPA
Moderator: A/Prof. Matei Georgescu (PhD)
With participation of Prof. Ph.D. Laura Goran
Executive Committee:
Prof. dr. Carmen Costea
Assist. Prof. Amina Pîrvescu
Media partners:
Herald Publishing House
Vedic Dharma Association
Alternative Sciences Association
Opinia Națională
Posted:11:55, 25-06-2014
Posted:18:57, 20-05-2014
Spiru Haret University, Sociology-Psychology Department
Invite you to the international conference:
The Power of Visionary Art – Evolution of Consciousness
From the series: Spirituality serving education
Howard G. Charing, author
Prof. Ph. D. Mihaela Minulescu, National School of Political and Administrative Studies
Prof. Ph. D. Vintilă Mihăilescu, National School of Political and Administrative Studies
Translation: psih. Aurel Mocanu
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Matei Georgescu, Spiru Haret University
Thursday, 22-th of mai 2014, 19 hours
Spiru Haret University, Studio Hall, 13 Ion Ghica street, Ground floor
Free entrance
Posted:08:15, 19-05-2014
How to start a successful career in Romania
Who can attend?
All students eager to successful career Where?
Studio Room, Spiru Haret University, no. 13, Ion Ghica Street, Bucharest
May 15th at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Attending is free.
Posted:16:40, 14-05-2014
How to start a successful career in Romania
Who can attend?
All students eager to successful career Where?
Studio Room, Spiru Haret University, no. 13, Ion Ghica Street, Bucharest
May 8th at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Attending is free.
Posted:08:25, 29-04-2014
Fundatia Romania de Maine si Universitatea Spiru Haret
va doreste sa aveti un
Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi!
Posted:09:02, 19-04-2014
The 4thLaw & Social Order International Conference of USH Constanta - Bucuresti The 25th of April 2014 http://fdapct.spiruharet.ro
Details about the program can be found at : http://lawconfconstanta.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/6/2/11622303/lso_2014_program_final.pdf
Event schedule: Click
Posted:10:54, 16-04-2014
Posted:08:29, 14-04-2014
Posted:14:32, 10-04-2014
EALTA Summer School
from JULY 28 (13:00) TO AUGUST 1 (12.30)
More details...
Posted:13:44, 01-04-2014
Summer School 2014 - The Language Assessment Institute Modena
1) Basic Principles in Language Testing and Assessment
Antony J. Kunnan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
2) A learning-oriented Approach to Classroom-Based Assessment
James E. Purpura Columbia University, New York
Carolyn E. Turner McGill University, Montreal
3) An Introduction to Performance Assessment
Kirby Grabowski Columbia University, New York
Brochure More details...
Posted:13:20, 01-04-2014
USH undertakes to respect the following principles:
- Respect the principles of non-discrimination set out in ERASMUS Program and ensure equal access and opportunities to mobility to all participants no matter their gender, age, race, apparentness;
- Ensure the entire recognition for completed activities of study mobility, developed according to all Erasmus principles in force;
- Charge of no fees, in the case of credit mobility, to incoming mobile students fr tuition, registrations, examinations and full access to all academic facilities.
Posted:16:45, 26-03-2014
New possibilities to study abroad for USH Students!
Applications to Türkiye Scholarships at post-graduate and doctoral levels have started.
The deadline for applications is 31 March 2014.
The Scholarship Guide can be found at https://basvuru.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/Content/pdf/BK_en.pdf
Posted:11:09, 24-03-2014
- Spiru Haret University participation in EURAS
The First International Conference on
Cooperation in Higher Education which has held on May 9-10th, 2013 has published.
Please kindly find the EURAS
Proceedings of The First International Conference on Cooperation
in Higher Education within the Eurasian Universities Union through
this link:
http://www.euras-edu.org/dosyalar/FDF_euras_bildiri_kitabi.pdfPosted:14:41, 10-03-2014
Romanian-Indonesian Musical Encounters
Spiru Haret University
Faculty of Arts
Embassy of Indonesia
Mrs. Elizabeth Bharata, piano
Ms. Reika Bharata, violin
and a group of children from the Indonesian Embassy
More details...
Posted:11:18, 07-03-2014
Let’s Talk Business
The series of Alternative Education events "Let's Talk Business" continues in the current academic year during the second semester, from March to May 2014. Events will be organized by Spiru Haret University and will be held in collaboration with partners and ALERON
More details ...Posted:14:42, 04-03-2014
Romanian-Indonesian Musical Encounters
Friday, March 14th, 2014, 6:00 p.m.
Posted:12:08, 28-02-2014
Posted:12:06, 26-02-2014
Sociology-Psychology Department
Invite you to the international conference:
Vedic Astrology and Education
From the series: Spirituality serving education
Posted:12:52, 25-02-2014
International Summer School on Global Leadership
6 -18 July 2014 for dissemination
Posted:08:38, 04-02-2014
Energy Security Workshop
The European Academy of Diplomacy is now accepting applications for the first edition of the Energy Security Workshop and cordially invite you, your students and your colleagues to participate in this upcoming project.
Posted:10:43, 14-01-2014
Business Analytics Day at Louisiana Tech
Louisiana Tech University College of Business will host its first
annual Business Analytics Day in Shreveport , La. , on Jan. 10, 2014.
The event will feature talks by several prominent members of the
analytics community on how analytics and big data are being used to help
organizations make more intelligent decisions. Speakers include:
Bill Franks, chief analytics officer of Teradata and author of “Taming
the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with
Advanced Analytics”
Alan Schwarz, Pulitzer Prize-nominated national correspondent for
education for The New York Times and author of “The Numbers Game:
Baseball’s Lifelong Fascination with Statistics”
Laurie Anne Garrow of the Georgia Tech University School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering and author of “Discrete Choice Modelling and
Air Travel Demand”
• Maytal Saar-Tsechansky of the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin
• Catherine Truxillo of the SAS Institute
• James J. Cochran of the Louisiana Tech College of Business and co-author of “Essentials of Business Analytics”
Posted:12:31, 02-01-2014
- Institutul Central de Cercetare Ştiinţifică organizează joi, 12 decembrie 2013, ora 12.30, la sediul Universității Spiru Haret din str. Ion Ghica nr. 13, Sala Senatului, workshop-ul "Protecţia datelor şi protecția proprietății intelectuale în activitatea de cercetare". Sunt invitați sa participe la workshop toți cercetătorii Universității Spiru Haret.
Posted:13:22, 09-12-2013
The Ad Astra Awards for Excellence in Research
Founded in 2000, Ad Astra Association reunites Romanian researchers worldwide and promotes excellence in research.
In line with its aim of developing basic science in Romania, Ad Astra identifies and promotes models of success, exceptional results of Romanian researchers within the country and abroad.
Starting with 2014, Ad Astra initiates the Awards for Excellence in Research covering a wide range of scientific disciplines, as detailed below, in the fields of: Physical and Chemical Sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Biophysics), Life Sciences (Biology, Pharmacy, Medicine), Earth and Space Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics; Social Sciences and Humanities.
We invite for nominations and self-nominations (applications) according to the regulations.
At the first edition, the Ad Astra Awards will include a financial component (500 euro) for researchers activating in Romania.
The deadline for nominations and self-nominations is March 15, 2014.
More details Regulations
Posted:14:22, 18-11-2013
The Honorable Merchant in International Marketing
Cancun, Mexico
Wednesday, April 16 – Friday, April 18, 2014
Posted:14:12, 23-10-2013
Universitatea Spiru Haret
Facultatea de Sociologie-Psihologie
Vă invită la conferința:
Ancestralul din comunicarea nonverbală – noi abordări transdisciplinare.
Invitat special: Stephen Paul – Marea Britanie
Conf. univ. dr. Mircea Aurel Niță – SNSPA
Conf. univ. dr. Matei Georgescu – Universitatea Spiru Haret
Traducerea: Ionela Solomon, SNSPA
Miercuri, 23 octombrie, orele 16.00 – 17.30
Amifiteatrul Radu Zane, str. Grigore Alexandrescu nr. 9, sector
PosterPosted:16:03, 22-10-2013
Call for Papers
2014 AMA Annual Conference,
Global Marketing Special Interest Group
The Honorable Merchant in International Marketing
Cancun, Mexico
Wednesday, April 16 – Friday, April 18, 2014
More details...
Posted:15:12, 22-10-2013
University - Industry Interaction Conference
"Challenges and solutions for fostering entrepreneurial universities and collaborative innovation"
Posted:12:56, 17-10-2013
Vă invită la conferința internațională:
Comunică pentru a trai mai bine din ciclul: Valori perene în educație
Invitat special: Aleth Naquet,Co-fondator și formator de formatori al Institutului ESPERE International – Paris
Cu participarea:- prof. univ. dr. Carmen Costea
Universitatea Spiru Haret- prof. univ. dr. Vintilă Mihăilescu
Școla Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative- Claudia Jimeno Beltran
Director – Centrul de dezvoltare personală AmaneSer
Traducerea: Cati Călin – trainer și consultant – Centrul AmaneSer
Moderator: conf. univ. dr. Matei Georgescu – Universitatea Spiru Haret
Conferință organizată de Facultatea de Sociologie-Psihologie, Universitatea Spiru Haret
Miercuri, 23 octombrie 2013, orele 19-21.30
Universitatea Spiru Haret, Sala Studio, Str. Ion Ghica nr. 13, parter
Afis Fr. Afis
Posted:23:28, 08-10-2013
Recital cameral 12,10. 2013, 19:00 - 21:00 Filarmonica George Enescu
Sala mica Concert sponsorizat de USH,
HAJO WIENROTH – flauto traverso
MARK BAIGENT – oboi baroc, oboe d’amore baroc
Posted:17:51, 08-10-2013
- 2014 EuroMed Conference in Norway. Deadline for track chairs is 27th of November 2013. More details
Posted:11:33, 08-10-2013
- 2013 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Society (ICSSS 2013)
December 27-28, 2013, Jeju Island, KoreaPosted:11:16, 18-09-2013
International Workshop on Social Innovation affiliated to 2013 EMRBI International Conference
the 24th of September 2013, USH will organise in Senate Hall the Social
Innovation International Workshop organised in Spiru Haret
University together with EuroMed Business Research Institute
International Conference in Estoril. The program can be found at 2013
More details on ICCS.Posted:13:02, 09-09-2013
Spiru Haret University, Sociology-Psychology
Romanian Association for Transpersonal
Inkarri Multicultural Association – USA
Invite you to the international conference:
The healing potential of amplified states of consciousness
From the series: Spirituality serving education
Special Guest: Juan Ruiz Naupari –
Director and founder of Inkarri Multicultural Association – USA
With the participation of:
Prof. Ph. D. Ion Mânzat, Hyperion
Prof. Ph. D. Magda Buciu, National University of Music
Ph. D. Ionel Mohîrța, Director of the Romanian
Association for Transpersonal Psychology
Andreea Matauan, psihotherapist
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Matei Georgescu, Spiru
Haret University
Conference organized by Spiru Haret University,
Sociology-Psychology Department
Monday, 23-rd of September 2013, 19-21.30 hours
Spiru Haret University, Studio Hall, 13 Ion Ghica
Street, Ground floor
Posted:11:41, 09-09-2013
- International Seminar in Business, Management and Environemnt - a
comprehensice study in Asian Economy 29-30 Oct.2013 Bali Indonezia
More detailsPosted:16:54, 02-09-2013
Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education 2013, 14 NOv
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.
articles will be published on-line by Elsevier in its “Procedia Social
and Behavioral Sciences” publication, which is indexed in the Science
Direct database.
Details http://www.CBME.vgtu.lt Invitation CBME2013
Posted:16:46, 02-09-2013
Spiru Haret University, Sociology-Psychology Department
for Higher Studies of Consciousness - Brazil
Academy of Conscientiology - UK
Nexus – new
times magazine
Invite you to the
international conference:
New approaches
in the study of consciousness – the science of projectologyFrom the series: Spirituality
serving education
Special Guest: Patricia Sousa - Director of the London Educational Centre of the International Academy of Consciousness
Conference organized
by Spiru
Haret University,
Sociology-Psychology Department
Thursday, 18-th of July
2013, 19-21.30 hours
Spiru Haret
University, Studio Hall, 13 Ion Ghica Street, Ground floor
free entrance
PosterPosted:10:51, 17-07-2013
Spiru Haret University, Sociology-Psychology Department
Invite you to the
international conference:
The destiny of
native spirituality in the context of education
From the series: Spirituality
serving education
Special Guest: Vernon Foster, Klamath - Modoc Native American
Conference organised
by Spiru Haret University,
Sociology-Psychology Department
Sunday, 30-th of June
2013, 16-19 hours
Spiru Haret
University, Studio Hall, 13 Ion Ghica street, Ground floor
Free entrance
Posted:14:25, 26-06-2013
Banking and Financial Management 2013
Summer School in Prague
August 4-18
Prague Development Center (PRADEC) together with partners (University of Finance and Administration, European Financial Planning Association, London International Graduate School) organises the Summer School "Banking and Financial Management 2013", which offers wide-ranging excurse to the latest developments in finance and banking, financial institutions by discovering proven standards, advanced management tools, and valuable experiences.
Event will be held during August 4th-18th in Prague, Czech Republic.
The project assumes combination of academic insight and professional expertise in areas:
- Financial services industry in period of financial crisis
- Financial technology trends and innovations in Europe
- Banking innovations, risk management, eBanking, global banking
- Current issues in financial and capital management
- Current trends in capital markets. Emerging markets
- Project financing and international investments
- Public finance. Issues in taxation and public finance management
- Revised approach aftermath global financial crisis
Interested to paricipate should send their contacts (profile, email and phones) to receive the prospect and consultation.
Posted:11:11, 21-06-2013
Spiru Haret University,
Faculty of Financial and Accounting Management, Constanta
"Promoters and Facilitators of the EU Strategy
for the Danube Region (EUSDR)"
~ 21 - 22 June 2013 ~
Posted:22:48, 20-06-2013
students of Faculty of Art perform for you in the SWEET THURSDAY after
J.Steinbeck on: ● Thursday 13th of June 2013 hrs:18.00 and ●
Monday 17th of June hrs: 19:00 in Aparatorii Patriei behind the Faculty of Law building in Black Box Studio
Entrance is free.
We are waiting for you!
Posted:10:31, 09-06-2013
- Call of candidature for 2013 Francophone International Volunteer
Posted:11:02, 22-05-2013
- Business Club 23rd of May 2013 The Personal Development: The path to success and a good career More details
Posted:12:22, 20-05-2013
Thursday, 23rd of May 2013, 18.00,Studio Room
The Personal Development: The path to success and a good career
More details...Posted:11:28, 20-05-2013

More details...Posted:08:48, 10-05-2013
- Virtual Sixth Astana Economic Forum and Global Anti-Crisis Conference http://2013.astanaforum.org/en Spiru Haret University is affiliated to Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astana_Economic_Forum
More details ...
Posted:11:30, 17-04-2013
ARCHmedium is a
platform that organizes architecture competitions for students on an
international level. We believe that by participating in these
competitions, which echo the same conditions and rigor as professional
architecture competitions, enriches the students’ learning experience,
gives them valuable insight into the process of professional
architecture competitions and allows a unique opportunity to develop
team work, technical precision and creativity.
We would like to ask for your help in promoting a new contest we've just launched; "San Franciso Fire Department Headquarters".
This contest has been organized with the collaboration of the American
Institute of Architects and the Architecture School of Barcelona
We would love to encourage students in your faculty to participate in this event. We
are asking for you help to promote it by forwarding this email onto
your students, publishing it on your school's website, pinning up the
poster that's attached to this message or any way you see fit.
Alternatively we would love to
discuss how we can personally help you do this, such as blog posts for
your intranet, video conference calls, or any method that fits into your
school’s curriculum, social media or extracurricular activity.
Our competitions are open to all undergraduate architectural students as well as those of related disciplines: Engineering, Urbanism, Design, etc. This time round, we are also offering a Special Prize for Young Graduates that will be awarded separately.
In the links below you'll be able to read and download further information about ARCHmedium competitions:
Posted:09:49, 09-04-2013
- Business Club Future Managers April, 25 th, 2013 hrs:18.00, Studio Hall - Counseling and career advisory “No,
you are not the most valuable asset” (Special guest: Geroge
Butunoiu - Head Hunter)
PosterPosted:10:01, 06-04-2013
- Business Club Future Managers April, 11th, 2013 hrs:18.00, Studio Hall - Learn to be a human being (Speakers: Prof univ dr Constantin Popescu si Prof univ dr Alexandru Tasnadi)
Posted:09:59, 06-04-2013
- Business Club Future Managers April,
4th, 2013 hrs:18.00, Studio Hall - Attitude is everything (Speakers: Noura Al Kawadri, Larisa Mihoreanu, Diana Țâmpu, Adrian Vasile) Poster
Posted:09:56, 06-04-2013
- During 29-31 July,
2013, another important international conference will take place at
POHAG Korea: Econophysics Conference of Asia Pacific together with
STATPHYS 25 http://econophysics2013.postech.ac.kr/
POHANG Korea. The deadline for abstract submission is 30th of April
2013. USH is represented in the Scientific Committee together
with outstanding international scientists.
Posted:12:54, 03-04-2013
- Bogazici University Sports Fest 2013 Invitation
More details ...Posted:15:44, 01-04-2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013, 18.00
Posted:13:53, 25-03-2013
- The Forum for Modern Language Studies launched a new contest. PROMOTE YOUR WORK BY SUBMITTING IT TO THE FORUM EASSAY PRIZE Deadline - 30th of April 2013
Posted:14:44, 05-03-2013
Posted:09:41, 28-02-2013
Posted:08:21, 13-02-2013
Embassy of France, along with its partners, supports the
- Embassy of France/Dalkia Romania: three scholarships in the energy field, completed by a work contract signed with Dalkia Romania upon graduation from the programme
- Embassy of France/ENS Cachan: three Master scholarships with ENS Cachan;
- Embassy of France/ Sciences Mathématiques Foundation in Paris: five Master 2 scholarships in Mathematics and Informatics
And other programmes are to be found on the site of the French Institute in Romania! More details... PGSM DALKIA ENS
Posted:12:29, 05-02-2013
Call for candidature to projects regarding the strategy of an efficient University management.
More details...
Posted:15:03, 04-02-2013
- Call for candidature 2013 ‘Ateliere Știință franco-române/French-Romanian Science Workshops’
Posted:13:28, 01-02-2013
International conference - Pop, Rock and Science Fiction
The Faculty of Letters, the Centre of Multi-linguistic and Intercultural studies and the Central Research Institute of Spiru Haret University invites you to the International conference ‘Pop, Rock and Science Fiction’, 13 Ion Ghica Street, district 3, Bucharest, 16-19 May 2013.
Posted:13:18, 01-02-2013
- The 9th Scientific Colloquium of Econophysics and Complexity and the International Conference of Econophysics STATPHYS 25, Pohang, Korea, 29-31 July 2013.
Posted:09:57, 01-02-2013
ESSA 2013: The 9th ESSA Conference of the European Association of Social Simulation, along with the School of Economics in Warsaw, to be held in Warsaw, Poland, 16-20 September 2013. (in versiunea romana apare 2012)
Posted:09:56, 01-02-2013
- The Honorary International Chair SUERD organizes the Training Session ‘The new competences and financing opportunities through the EU Strategy programmes for the Danube Region (SUERD), with the support of Spiru Haret University, at the SHU Bucharest main office, February 28 – March 1, 2013.
More details... Poster
Posted:15:00, 28-01-2013
Cercul TOTEM
The next meeting of the Circle of ethno-sociology, anthropology and human geography TOTEM takes place at the Faculty of Sociology-Psychology, 256 Basarabia Blvd, district 3, Teacher’s Room, on Thursday, January 31, at 11 am.
The topic will be: ‘The harlequin cape. The identity register of the Romanian-born Jews in Israel’ - a research of oral history.
The presentation will be delivered by Dr. Cosmina Paul, Babeş-Bolyai University.
For further information:
corinabistriceanu@yahoo.com; monica.sociologie.popa@gmail.com; alexponcea@yahoo.com.
Posted:10:18, 28-01-2013
Conferintele de Joi
Part of the ‘Conferintele de Joi’ (‘The Thursday conferences’) series, Sorin Cristescu, Lecturer PhD at the Faculty of International relations, History and Philosophy, will deliver a speech on ‘The Union of the Principalities on January 24, 1859 – a decisive moment of the Romanian nation proclamation.’
The event will take place at the ‘Casa de Cultura’ of the Minister of Internal Affairs on Mihai Voda 22 Str., Thursday, January 24, starting with 3 p.m.Posted:10:00, 24-01-2013
- First Call for the 6th Conference EuroMed (ISI Conference proceedings) Details at: http://6theuromed2013.webnode.pt/about-us/
. We invite you to join the Social Innovation Facing Bio
Economics (Virtual Track), organized at Spiru HAret University Bucharest
Posted:09:35, 23-01-2013
- Summer Russian Language School in Moscow International Humanities and Linguistics Institute (MGLI), Moscow, Russia
Bank Details Enrollment Form Visa Application Poster
Posted:09:05, 22-01-2013
- Multi-lateral call for EUREKA projects
Details... http://uefiscdi.gov.ro/articole/3247/Apel-comun-multilateral-pentru-proiecte-EUREKA.htmlPosted:10:43, 17-01-2013
http://www.eccs13.eu/ Read more...Posted:19:06, 12-01-2013
- 4th International Conference of Economic Sciences Quality of Life, Sustainability and Locality
9-10 May 2013 – Kaposvár University – Kaposvár - Hungary http://ecs2013.ke.hu/
Posted:12:32, 11-01-2013
Commencement of enrollment for French Government Scholarships -2013-2014 -
French Embassy offers Romanian students who wish to pursue higher education in France, in the academic year 2013-2014:
1) Scholarships for Master 2: students enrolled or have completed the first year of Master in Romania who want to follow the 2nd year of Master in France.
2) Joint degrees PhD Scholarships: for students who are or who have completed five years of study in Romania, or who are currently in first year PhD joint degrees in France.
3) Copernicus Scholarships: engineers, economists and lawyers who wish to undertake a one-year training in management, in the framework of Copernicus.
Date on which will terminate enrollment is March 1, 2013.
For all information: http://www.institutfrancais-roumanie.com/institutfrancais-roumanie.com/opac?id_profil=126
Posted:09:59, 09-01-2013
INTERNAŢIONAL AL ARTELOR VIZUALE, structurat ca o platformă interactivă a fost studiat ca
loc de comunicare interdisciplinară, sursă importantă de informare referitoare
la activitatea culturală, spaţiu educaţional,
ofertă diversificată în domeniul artelor vizuale.
soluţii pentru realizarea unui spaţiu public urban, destinat recreerii şi
evenimentelor culturale în aer liber.
Vineri, 21 decembrie 2012 la orele 1730
Centrul international al artelor vizuale Remodelarea malurilor DambovitaPosted:21:03, 20-12-2012
- Learn and act BIG is determining the Future. Conter for Global Justice provides volunteer opportunities: http://www.globaljusticecenter.org/get-invovled/
Posted:09:00, 20-12-2012
10th International conference of the
European Society for Ecological Economics
Posted:11:21, 19-12-2012

Posted:16:47, 12-11-2012
The 4th edition of the Postgraduate Initiative at Guy’s
Guy’s Researchers
Society, the main event organizer, was supported by Spiru haret University and
The Alternative Sciences Association, Bucharest.
Posted:10:51, 07-12-2012
FUTURICT Road – Towards a new dimension or another form of civilization
Interview with Mrs. Carmen Costea, Prof PhD, Prorector of Spiru Haret University
Posted:10:18, 04-12-2012
PIG 2012 meeting
Event organized in collaboration USH King's College London.
A common EvEste a student at the Faculty of Marketing and Business iInternationale (USH) and Romanian researchers from King's College in collaboration London.eniment USH King's College London
Posted:14:07, 03-12-2012
Congress of Rectors of Alliance of Central-Eastern European Universities (ACEU)
ACEU is a superior alliance of universities in the central-eastern
region of Europe, with the main target to build new partnerships in higher
education and research, in order to bring its contribution to the development
of a knowledge economy. The universities
that are members in the ACEU are: University of Kaposvar (Hungary), University
of Presov (Hungary), University of Donja Gorica, Podgorica (Montenegro), Spiru
Haret University, Bucharest (Romania), FON University, Skoplje (Republic of
Macedonia), Educons University, Sremska Kamenica (Republic of Serbia), Apeiron
University, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Shkoder
(Republic of Albania), University of Primorska, Koper (Republic of Slovenia),
University of Sofia (Bulgaria), University of Agribusiness and Rural
development, Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and WUS University (Austria) as a guest
The Annual Conference will have in attendance Rector, Pro-rectors,
Presidents, Vice-presidents and the General Secretary of the Alliance. On this occasion, certain topics will be
approached, such as: electing the working committees, outlining the executive
duties of the Alliance committees, establishing partnerships and development of
new activities stipulated in the Articles of Association, making
recommendations for new members or exclusion of the non-performing ones.
Posted:10:35, 06-11-2012
"Parcelări bucureştene" exhibition
The exhibition takes us in a trip through images and case studies of the
parceled property neighborhoods in Bucharest, former residential parcellation
of the beginning of 20th century and mainly of the inter-bellum
period. The study has been the result of
a task of urban exploration in Bucharest, given for the practicum of the
students at the Faculty of Architecture of ‘Spiru Haret’ University
between 2010 and 2012. The exhibition is
a pertinent outcome of the cultural project developed within the ‘Urban
Observatory’ of the Union of Architects in Romania from the Architecture Tax
Date: Monday, November 5, at 5 pm
Location: Main office of Spiru Haret University – 13 Ion Ghica Str.,
district 3, Bucharest
Project coordinator: ASOP – Association of the Landscape Artists in
Partners: ‘Spiru Haret’ University, Faculty of Architecture, RPR
+, Department of Contemporary Studies
Posted:12:39, 05-11-2012